After a State Department official is found dead in Beijing, Red and Liz link the murder to a secret keeper known as “The Caretaker,” who maintains an impenetrable safety deposit vault for criminals. Red and Liz work with the task force to find the Caretaker and his collection of lethal and classified secrets. Meanwhile, Tom makes a risky decision, while Liz persists on her quest to find out more about her mother.
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Episode Details: The Blacklist Season 3 Episode 16
Title | The Caretaker |
Episode | 16 |
Season | 3 |
Release | February 25, 2016 |
Overview | After a State Department official is found dead in Beijing, Red and Liz link the murder to a secret keeper known as "The Caretaker," who maintains an impenetrable safety deposit vault for criminals. Red and Liz work with the task force to find the Caretaker and his collection of lethal and classified secrets. Meanwhile, Tom makes a risky decision, while Liz persists on her quest to find out more about her mother. |
Rating | 6.4 |
Vote Count | 14 |