2003. As a parasitic fungal outbreak begins to ravage the country and the world, Joel Miller attempts to escape the escalating chaos with his daughter and brother. Twenty years later, a now hardened Joel and his partner Tess fight to survive under a totalitarian regime, while the insurgent Fireflies harbor a teenage girl with a unique gift.
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Episode Details: The Last of Us Season 1 Episode 1
Title | When You're Lost in the Darkness |
Episode | 1 |
Season | 1 |
Release | January 15, 2023 |
Overview | 2003. As a parasitic fungal outbreak begins to ravage the country and the world, Joel Miller attempts to escape the escalating chaos with his daughter and brother. Twenty years later, a now hardened Joel and his partner Tess fight to survive under a totalitarian regime, while the insurgent Fireflies harbor a teenage girl with a unique gift. |
Rating | 8.383 |
Vote Count | 133 |