Detective Bill Daniels has spent the last 40 years in the interrogation unit. Some are criminals, some are victims. Faced with the truth, some lie, some are defiant and some find redemption.
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Movie Details: 1 Interrogation
Title | 1 Interrogation |
Genre(s) | Crime |
Release | June 25, 2020 |
Overview | Detective Bill Daniels has spent the last 40 years in the interrogation unit. Some are criminals, some are victims. Faced with the truth, some lie, some are defiant and some find redemption. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Dan Hewitt Owens |
Casts | Dan Hewitt Owens, Charidy Wronski, Tom Arnold, Danni Tamburro, Frank Parrillo, Sharon Garrison, Amy Lyndon, Dalton E. Gray, Ryla J. Wronski |
Duration | 1 Hour and 35 Minutes |
Rating | 5.2 |