In Germany’s Hurtgen Forest, during the final days of World War 2, an exhausted and overwhelmed band of American army paratroopers fight for survival amid a deadly hidden threat, escalating internal conflict and seemingly impossible odds.
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Movie Details: 1945 From This Day
Title | 1945 From This Day |
Genre(s) | Action |
Release | June 25, 2018 |
Overview | In Germany's Hurtgen Forest, during the final days of World War 2, an exhausted and overwhelmed band of American army paratroopers fight for survival amid a deadly hidden threat, escalating internal conflict and seemingly impossible odds. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Rick Roberts |
Casts | Tim Seyfert, Alexander Guiney, Fergus Rees |
Duration | 1 Hour and 2 Minutes |
Rating | 6.1 |