In this sequel, the super intelligent artificial robotronic dog, Archie, befriends Gregory, a young boy who is the son of a carnival owner. Gregory is concerned that someone has been stealing from the carnival and enlists his new friend to help find the culprit.
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Movie Details: A.R.C.H.I.E. 2: Mission Impawsible
Title | A.R.C.H.I.E. 2: Mission Impawsible |
Genre(s) | Adventure, Comedy, Family, Science Fiction |
Release | July 17, 2018 |
Overview | In this sequel, the super intelligent artificial robotronic dog, Archie, befriends Gregory, a young boy who is the son of a carnival owner. Gregory is concerned that someone has been stealing from the carnival and enlists his new friend to help find the culprit. |
Language(s) | English, Français |
Director | Robin Dunne |
Casts | Michael J. Fox, Sara Canning, Robin Dunne, Farrah Aviva, Matty Finochio, Christina Sicoli, David Milchard, Will Allen Mitchell, Brandon Ludwig, Sheldon Bergstrom, Arcade Riley, Devon Oman |
Duration | 1 Hour and 22 Minutes |
Rating | 4.5 |