When a college student witnesses the alleged suicide of her roommate, it sets into motion a series of horrific events that cause her to fear the supernatural entity. As she tries to convince the rest of her dorm that the Boogeyman does exist, the evil force grows stronger and her friends begin to pay the price. Now she must stop this ultimate evil before the entire campus falls prey.
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Movie Details: Boogeyman 3
Title | Boogeyman 3 |
Genre(s) | Horror, Thriller |
Release | October 17, 2008 |
Overview | When a college student witnesses the alleged suicide of her roommate, it sets into motion a series of horrific events that cause her to fear the supernatural entity. As she tries to convince the rest of her dorm that the Boogeyman does exist, the evil force grows stronger and her friends begin to pay the price. Now she must stop this ultimate evil before the entire campus falls prey. |
Language(s) | English, Italiano, Polski |
Director | Gary Jones |
Casts | Erin Cahill, Chuck Hittinger, Mimi Michaels, Matt Rippy, Nikki Sanderson, W.B. Alexander, Elyes Gabel, George Maguire, Jayne Wisener, Kate Maberly, Todd Jensen, Nikolai Sotirov, Jonas Talkington, Tobin Bell, Galina Talkington, Tatyana Kuncheva, Alexandra Zlatanova, Vrunda Patel, Desi Malcheva, Seema Jaga, John Laskowski |
Duration | 1 Hour and 34 Minutes |
Rating | 5.2 |