A black comedy about the events that are set into motion in a town after a man-eating boar goes on a rampage.
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Movie Details: Chaw
Title | Chaw |
Genre(s) | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Horror, Thriller |
Release | July 15, 2009 |
Overview | A black comedy about the events that are set into motion in a town after a man-eating boar goes on a rampage. |
Language(s) | 한국어/조선말 |
Director | Shin Jung-won |
Casts | Uhm Tae-woong, Jung Yu-mi, Jang Hang-seon, Yoon Je-moon, Park Hyeok-kwon, Park Chang-Ik, Go Seo-hee, Park Hye-jin, Lee Sang-hee, Kim Ki-chun, Uhm Tae-woong, Jung Yu-mi, Jang Hang-seon, Yoon Je-moon, Park Hyeok-kwon, Park Chang-Ik, Go Seo-hee, Park Hye-jin, Lee Sang-hee, Kim Ki-chun |
Duration | 2 Hours and 1 Minute |
Rating | 5,8 |