Landon moves to town after receiving a suspicious scholarship, after the work-study program tied to his program falls through he is fortuitously guided by an eccentric attorney and employed by a well-known liquor store chain in the region.
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Movie Details: Happy's
Title | Happy's |
Genre(s) | Comedy |
Release | January 28, 2021 |
Overview | Landon moves to town after receiving a suspicious scholarship, after the work-study program tied to his program falls through he is fortuitously guided by an eccentric attorney and employed by a well-known liquor store chain in the region. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Don Tjernagel |
Casts | Caleb DeGraw, Gus Gustafson, Ben Collison, Sam Cota, Kate Riley, Abigail Van Patten, Michaela Merchant, Caleb DeGraw, Gus Gustafson, Ben Collison, Sam Cota, Kate Riley, Abigail Van Patten, Michaela Merchant |
Duration | N/A |
Rating | 5.0 |