Young cheerleader Ashley is adopted by her parent’s killers. Years later, during a home robbery, her crazed family reveal what they are really capable of and Ashley must decide who’s side she is on.
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Movie Details: Hostage
Title | Hostage |
Genre(s) | Thriller |
Release | August 27, 2021 |
Overview | Young cheerleader Ashley is adopted by her parent’s killers. Years later, during a home robbery, her crazed family reveal what they are really capable of and Ashley must decide who’s side she is on. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Eddie Augustin |
Casts | Nicole Henderson, Tina Trineer, Daryl Marks, Maria Jimena Osorio, Mike Cannz, Nicole Henderson, Tina Trineer, Daryl Marks, Maria Jimena Osorio, Mike Cannz |
Duration | 1 Hour and 22 Minutes |
Rating | 4.5 |