Based on a true story, “House On The Hill” is a true crime melodrama with strong horror elements, chronicling the outrageous 1980s murder spree of serial killer Leonard Lake, who would target, kidnap, rob and kill people – and even whole families. Sonia, the only survivor of Lake’s killing spree, teams up with a private investigator to help him locate a woman who disappeared into Lake’s compound. In the process, Sonia recounts the horrors of the house, where Lake and his accomplice would force her to videotape the killings.
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Movie Details: House on the Hill
Title | House on the Hill |
Genre(s) | Crime, Horror |
Release | May 11, 2012 |
Overview | Based on a true story, "House On The Hill" is a true crime melodrama with strong horror elements, chronicling the outrageous 1980s murder spree of serial killer Leonard Lake, who would target, kidnap, rob and kill people - and even whole families. Sonia, the only survivor of Lake's killing spree, teams up with a private investigator to help him locate a woman who disappeared into Lake's compound. In the process, Sonia recounts the horrors of the house, where Lake and his accomplice would force her to videotape the killings. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Jeff Frentzen |
Casts | Naidra Dawn Thomson, Shannon Leade, Stephen A.F. Day, Sam Leung, Laura Hofrichter, Kevin McCloskey, Brenna Catherine Briski |
Duration | 1 Hour and 25 Minutes |
Rating | 2.667 |