Twenty Nine years after the events of Iron Sky, the former Nazi Moonbase has become the last refuge of mankind. Earth was devastated by a nuclear war, but buried deep under the wasteland lies a power that could save the last of humanity – or destroy it once and for all. An old enemy leads our heroes on an adventure into the Hollow Earth. To save humanity, they must fight the Vril, an ancient shapeshifting reptilian race and their army of dinosaurs.
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Movie Details: Iron Sky: The Coming Race
Title | Iron Sky: The Coming Race |
Genre(s) | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction |
Release | January 25, 2019 |
Overview | Twenty Nine years after the events of Iron Sky, the former Nazi Moonbase has become the last refuge of mankind. Earth was devastated by a nuclear war, but buried deep under the wasteland lies a power that could save the last of humanity - or destroy it once and for all. An old enemy leads our heroes on an adventure into the Hollow Earth. To save humanity, they must fight the Vril, an ancient shapeshifting reptilian race and their army of dinosaurs. |
Language(s) | Deutsch, English |
Director | Timo Vuorensola |
Casts | Lara Rossi, Vladimir Burlakov, Kit Dale, Julia Dietze, Stephanie Paul, Tom Green, Udo Kier, John Flanders, James Quinn, Emily Atack, Martin Swabey, Pierce Nathan-Calvin Baechler, Christoph Drobig, Edward Judge, Kari Berg, Victor Au, Vasco De Beukelaer, Muya Lubambu Tshinioka, Antoine Plaisant, Amanda Wolzak, Francesco Italiano, Duta Skhirtladze, Jukka Hildén, Abbas Shirafkan, Kari Ketonen, Hon Ping Tang, Lloyd Li, Tero Kaukomaa, Gaëtan Wenders, Alexander Moens, Anabel Lopez, Dalan Musson, Vincent Eaton, Lloyd Kaufman, Jan Debski, Zana Salobir, Lara Rossi, Vladimir Burlakov, Kit Dale, Julia Dietze, Stephanie Paul, Tom Green, Udo Kier, John Flanders, James Quinn, Emily Atack, Martin Swabey, Pierce Nathan-Calvin Baechler, Christoph Drobig, Edward Judge, Kari Berg, Victor Au, Vasco De Beukelaer, Muya Lubambu Tshinioka, Antoine Plaisant, Amanda Wolzak, Francesco Italiano, Duta Skhirtladze, Jukka Hildén, Abbas Shirafkan, Kari Ketonen, Hon Ping Tang, Lloyd Li, Tero Kaukomaa, Gaëtan Wenders, Alexander Moens, Anabel Lopez, Dalan Musson, Vincent Eaton, Lloyd Kaufman, Jan Debski, Zana Salobir |
Duration | 1 Hour and 33 Minutes |
Rating | 5,095 |