In a world plagued by demons who cause great human suffering, young demon hunter Tang Sanzang must fight against monstrous demons, as well as contend with a beautiful demon hunting woman on his path to enlightenment.
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Movie Details: Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons
Title | Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons |
Genre(s) | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy |
Release | February 7, 2013 |
Overview | In a world plagued by demons who cause great human suffering, young demon hunter Tang Sanzang must fight against monstrous demons, as well as contend with a beautiful demon hunting woman on his path to enlightenment. |
Language(s) | 普通话 |
Director | Stephen Chow |
Casts | Wen Zhang, Shu Qi, Huang Bo, Show Lo, Lee Sheung-Ching, Chen Bing Qiang, Cheng Si-Han, Xing Yu, Lu Zhengyu, Chiu Chi-Ling, Yang Di, Chrissie Chau, Ge Xingyu, Steven Fung Min-Hang, Yang Neng, Zhang Chaoli, Tang Yixin, Mei'e Zhang, Wang Yabin, Liu Zhanling, Wen Zhang, Shu Qi, Huang Bo, Show Lo, Lee Sheung-Ching, Chen Bing Qiang, Cheng Si-Han, Xing Yu, Lu Zhengyu, Chiu Chi-Ling, Yang Di, Chrissie Chau, Ge Xingyu, Steven Fung Min-Hang, Yang Neng, Zhang Chaoli, Tang Yixin, Mei'e Zhang, Wang Yabin, Liu Zhanling |
Duration | 1 Hour and 50 Minutes |
Rating | 6,959 |