Luke Perry stars in this heartwarming “tail.” Kassie, her friends and her dog, Scoot, organize a holiday fundraiser, but must protect the cash from some crooks in order to save Christmas.
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Movie Details: K-9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale
Title | K-9 Adventures: A Christmas Tale |
Genre(s) | Family |
Release | November 5, 2013 |
Overview | Luke Perry stars in this heartwarming "tail." Kassie, her friends and her dog, Scoot, organize a holiday fundraiser, but must protect the cash from some crooks in order to save Christmas. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Benjamin Gourley |
Casts | Luke Perry, Ariana Bagley, Adam Johnson, Taylor Negron, Cate Allen, Chantel Flanders, Anson Bagley, Jaden Kenny, Camrey Bagley Fox, Mia Bagley, Colleen Koontz, Lillian Hepler, Deborah Ellis, Braxton Hew-Len, Kalvin Stinger, Jake Suazo, Nathan Sears |
Duration | 1 Hour and 29 Minutes |
Rating | 5.3 |