This short documentary follows the fortunes of iconic car manufacturer ‘Lotus’. In the past ‘Lotus’ has been famous for producing championship winning race cars and iconic sports cars, but it has struggled to remain in profit. With a new investor and managing director at the helm, they set out to build the first new Lotus road cars in over a decade. From the last ever petrol powered car, the ‘Emira’ and also their first pure electric British hypercar the 2000 brake horsepower ‘Evija’.
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Movie Details: Lotus: A New Dawn
Title | Lotus: A New Dawn |
Genre(s) | Documentary |
Release | July 28, 2021 |
Overview | This short documentary follows the fortunes of iconic car manufacturer 'Lotus'. In the past 'Lotus' has been famous for producing championship winning race cars and iconic sports cars, but it has struggled to remain in profit. With a new investor and managing director at the helm, they set out to build the first new Lotus road cars in over a decade. From the last ever petrol powered car, the 'Emira' and also their first pure electric British hypercar the 2000 brake horsepower 'Evija'. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Stephen Mizelas |
Casts | Bill Nighy, John Sharp, Colin Chapman, Clive Chapman, Bill Nighy, John Sharp, Colin Chapman, Clive Chapman |
Duration | 34 Minutes |
Rating | 0.0 |