The true story of Marine Corporal Megan Leavey, who forms a powerful bond with an aggressive combat dog, Rex. While deployed in Iraq, the two complete more than 100 missions and save countless lives, until an IED explosion puts their faithfulness to the test.
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Movie Details: Megan Leavey
Title | Megan Leavey |
Genre(s) | Drama, War |
Release | June 9, 2017 |
Overview | The true story of Marine Corporal Megan Leavey, who forms a powerful bond with an aggressive combat dog, Rex. While deployed in Iraq, the two complete more than 100 missions and save countless lives, until an IED explosion puts their faithfulness to the test. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Gabriela Cowperthwaite |
Casts | Kate Mara, Ramón Rodríguez, Tom Felton, Bradley Whitford, Will Patton, Sam Keeley, Common, Edie Falco, Damson Idris, Shannon Tarbet, Alex Hafner, Parker Sawyers, Corey Weaver, Geraldine James, Corey Johnson, Miguel Gómez, Catherine Dyer, Melina Matthews, Jonathan Howard, Mish Boyko, Alisa Harris, Nick Madrick, Jason Turner, Sasha Morfaw, Jennifer Duke, Megan Leavey, Andrew Moon, Alicia Lobo, Luka Peroš, Nils Holst, Phil Dunster, Rudy Dobrev, Frank von Loh, Luke Neal, Nik Schodel, William Miller, Ali El Aziz, Abderrahim Daoudi, Benjamin Nathan-Serio, Jacob Yakob, Khaled Kouka, Mark Schardan, Mohammed Kasmi, David Chevers, Matthew W. Morgan, Joseph Yakob, Michael Strelow, Michael Strelow, Jeremy Jones, Josh Ventura, Nancy Crane, Andrew Masset, Tyler Buckingham, Jacob Lovett, Angela Bennett, Christine Jones, Liliana Cabal, James D. Dever, George Webster |
Duration | 1 Hour and 56 Minutes |
Rating | 7.261 |