Based on the documentary “Our Brand Is Crisis”, this feature focuses on the use of American political campaign strategies in South America.
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Movie Details: Our Brand Is Crisis
Title | Our Brand Is Crisis |
Genre(s) | Comedy, Drama |
Release | September 11, 2015 |
Overview | Based on the documentary "Our Brand Is Crisis", this feature focuses on the use of American political campaign strategies in South America. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | David Gordon Green |
Casts | Sandra Bullock, Anthony Mackie, Billy Bob Thornton, Zoe Kazan, Scoot McNairy, Ann Dowd, Joaquim de Almeida, Reynaldo Pacheco, Dominic Flores, Louis Arcella, Octavio Gómez Berríos, Luis Chávez, Jim Gleason, Candice Harrison, Carmela Zumbado, Erick Chavarria, Dan Hewitt Owens, Nina Leon, Gino Galento, Ricardo Vargas, Sam Medina |
Duration | 1 Hour and 48 Minutes |
Rating | 5.837 |