Back to his hometown, a former marshal finds his house occupied by a young woman working as a fishwife.
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Movie Details: Scandal in Sorrento
Title | Scandal in Sorrento |
Genre(s) | Comedy, Romance |
Release | December 22, 1955 |
Overview | Back to his hometown, a former marshal finds his house occupied by a young woman working as a fishwife. |
Language(s) | Français, Italiano |
Director | Dino Risi |
Casts | Vittorio De Sica, Sophia Loren, Tina Pica, Lea Padovani, Antonio Cifariello, Mario Carotenuto, Yoka Berretty, Virgilio Riento, Clara Crispo, Pasquale Misiano, Antonio La Raina, Nino Imparato, Gaetano Autiero, Fausto Guerzoni, Attilio Torelli |
Duration | 1 Hour and 46 Minutes |
Rating | 6.962 |