Bosco is the son of a minister arrested for corruption, misappropriation of public funds, money laundering and a lot more of economic crimes. Selfie is about the story of him since he’s kicked out of his luxurious chalet until he tries to get a job at the headquarters of a left-wing political party.
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Movie Details: Selfie
Title | Selfie |
Genre(s) | Comedy |
Release | June 23, 2017 |
Overview | Bosco is the son of a minister arrested for corruption, misappropriation of public funds, money laundering and a lot more of economic crimes. Selfie is about the story of him since he's kicked out of his luxurious chalet until he tries to get a job at the headquarters of a left-wing political party. |
Language(s) | Español |
Director | Víctor García León |
Casts | Santi Alverú, Pepe Ocio, Alicia Rubio, Macarena Sanz, Javier Carramiñana |
Duration | 1 Hour and 25 Minutes |
Rating | 5.3 |