Out in public, Ivy is a New Orleans lounge singer trying to make a name for herself. When alone, though, she suffers from a terrifying eating disorder. And the more she hides her struggles, the stronger her inner demons become.
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Movie Details: Shapeless
Title | Shapeless |
Genre(s) | Drama, Horror |
Release | June 10, 2021 |
Overview | Out in public, Ivy is a New Orleans lounge singer trying to make a name for herself. When alone, though, she suffers from a terrifying eating disorder. And the more she hides her struggles, the stronger her inner demons become. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Samantha Smith |
Casts | Kelly Murtagh, Bobby Gilchrist, Jamie Neumann, Marco Dapper, Erika Ashley, Gralen Bryant Banks, Zardis Nichols, Kelly Murtagh, Bobby Gilchrist, Jamie Neumann, Marco Dapper, Erika Ashley, Gralen Bryant Banks, Zardis Nichols |
Duration | 1 Hour and 28 Minutes |
Rating | 5.3 |