Inspired by true events of 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash in Smolensk, the film tells the partially fictional story of crash and various people affected by the tragedy. The protagonist is a journalist Nina, who refuses to accept the official version of the story and pursues her own independent investigation.
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Movie Details: Smolensk
Title | Smolensk |
Genre(s) | Drama, Thriller |
Release | September 9, 2016 |
Overview | Inspired by true events of 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash in Smolensk, the film tells the partially fictional story of crash and various people affected by the tragedy. The protagonist is a journalist Nina, who refuses to accept the official version of the story and pursues her own independent investigation. |
Language(s) | Polski |
Director | Antoni Krauze |
Casts | Beata Fido, Aldona Struzik, Lech Łotocki, Halina Łabonarska, Dominika Figurska, Maciej Góraj, Ewa Dałkowska, Marek Probosz, Marek Bukowski, Piotr Bajor, Andrzej Mastalerz, Ryszard Mróz, Anna Samusionek, Maria Gładkowska, Michał Kula, Wojciech Czerwiński, Katarzyna Łaniewska, Jan Pietrzak, Wojciech Żołądkowicz, Cezary Poks, Krzysztof Tchórzewski, Weronika Jaskółka, Michal Chorosinski, Alżbeta Lenska, Ewa Florczak, Piotr Makarski, Jan Pospieszalski, Krystyna Starościk-Labuda, Igor Stiepanow, Maciej Półtorak, Mateusz Korsak, Marta Alaborska, Redbad Klynstra-Komarnicki |
Duration | 2 Hours |
Rating | 2.643 |