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An android fighting-machine (Mario Van Peebles) is charged with destroying a small brigade of rebels in a Latin American war who are fighting to maintain their freedom and protect their village. Contrary to his programming, Peebles decides to stay and assist the rebels in their plight. Having gained this information, his “creators” develop a more powerful android to try and defeat him.

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Movie Details: Solo

Title Solo
Genre(s) Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Thriller
Release August 23, 1996
Overview An android fighting-machine (Mario Van Peebles) is charged with destroying a small brigade of rebels in a Latin American war who are fighting to maintain their freedom and protect their village. Contrary to his programming, Peebles decides to stay and assist the rebels in their plight. Having gained this information, his "creators" develop a more powerful android to try and defeat him.
Language(s) English
Director Norberto Barba
Casts Mario Van Peebles, Barry Corbin, William Sadler, Jaime Osorio Gómez, Demián Bichir, Seidy López, Abraham Verduzco, Joaquín Garrido, Adrien Brody, Brent Schaeffer, Lucas Dudley, Christopher Michael, Rafael Velasco, Abel Woolrich, Farnesio de Bernal, Socorro Avelar, Álvaro Carcaño, Carlos Quintero, William Ungerman, Greg Collins, Randy Reyes, Sid Belk, Kevin Cole, Charlie Tuitavuki, Norberto Barba, John Flock, Julian Bucio, William Wallace, Mario Van Peebles, Barry Corbin, William Sadler, Jaime Osorio Gómez, Demián Bichir, Seidy López, Abraham Verduzco, Joaquín Garrido, Adrien Brody, Brent Schaeffer, Lucas Dudley, Christopher Michael, Rafael Velasco, Abel Woolrich, Farnesio de Bernal, Socorro Avelar, Álvaro Carcaño, Carlos Quintero, William Ungerman, Greg Collins, Randy Reyes, Sid Belk, Kevin Cole, Charlie Tuitavuki, Norberto Barba, John Flock, Julian Bucio, William Wallace
Duration 1 Hour and 34 Minutes
Rating 4,2

Solo Trailer

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