A steel samurai blade that was to be given to the American ambassador by the Emperor of Japan is stolen. American sailors and Japanese samurai are sent to find it.
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Movie Details: The Bushido Blade
Title | The Bushido Blade |
Genre(s) | Action, Drama, History |
Release | June 19, 1981 |
Overview | A steel samurai blade that was to be given to the American ambassador by the Emperor of Japan is stolen. American sailors and Japanese samurai are sent to find it. |
Language(s) | English, 日本語 |
Director | Tsugunobu Kotani |
Casts | Richard Boone, Toshirō Mifune, Mike Starr, Timothy Patrick Murphy, Frank Converse, William Ross, Bin Amatsu, Shin'ichi Chiba, Iwae Arai, Mayumi Asano, James Earl Jones, Laura Gemser, Mako, Hitoshi Ômae, Tetsurō Tamba, Richard Boone, Toshirō Mifune, Mike Starr, Timothy Patrick Murphy, Frank Converse, William Ross, Bin Amatsu, Shin'ichi Chiba, Iwae Arai, Mayumi Asano, James Earl Jones, Laura Gemser, Mako, Hitoshi Ômae, Tetsurō Tamba |
Duration | 1 Hour and 44 Minutes |
Rating | 5,3 |