Set in a small politically unstable Latin American country, the story follows the half English and half Latino Dr. Eduardo Plarr, who left his home to find a better life. Along the way he meets an array of people, including British Consul Charley Fortnum, a representative in Latin America who is trying to keep Revolution from occurring. He is also a remorseful alcoholic. Another person the doctor meets is Clara, whom he immediately falls in love with, but there is a problem: Clara is Charley’s wife.
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Movie Details: The Honorary Consul
Title | The Honorary Consul |
Genre(s) | Action, Drama, Romance |
Release | September 30, 1983 |
Overview | Set in a small politically unstable Latin American country, the story follows the half English and half Latino Dr. Eduardo Plarr, who left his home to find a better life. Along the way he meets an array of people, including British Consul Charley Fortnum, a representative in Latin America who is trying to keep Revolution from occurring. He is also a remorseful alcoholic. Another person the doctor meets is Clara, whom he immediately falls in love with, but there is a problem: Clara is Charley's wife. |
Language(s) | English, Español, Latin |
Director | John Mackenzie |
Casts | Michael Caine, Richard Gere, Bob Hoskins, Elpidia Carrillo, Joaquim de Almeida, A Martinez, Stephanie Cotsirilos, Domingo Ambriz, Geoffrey Palmer, Leonard Maguire, Jorge Russek, Eric Valdez, Nicolás Jasso, Erika Carlsen, Josefina Echánove, Ramón Álvarez, George Belanger, Michael Caine, Richard Gere, Bob Hoskins, Elpidia Carrillo, Joaquim de Almeida, A Martinez, Stephanie Cotsirilos, Domingo Ambriz, Geoffrey Palmer, Leonard Maguire, Jorge Russek, Eric Valdez, Nicolás Jasso, Erika Carlsen, Josefina Echánove, Ramón Álvarez, George Belanger |
Duration | 1 Hour and 44 Minutes |
Rating | 5,6 |