Shrewdly structured psychological British drama starring Tom Hughes and Ruta Gedmintas as a well-to-do young couple whose comfortable life is disrupted when a troubled teenage girl (Tasha Connor) becomes part of their ordered life. It is a tense and cleverly off-kilter drama, well performed and astutely thought-provoking. It makes great use of its Yorkshire locations, creating a tense and memorably intriguing atmosphere.
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Movie Details: The Incident
Title | The Incident |
Genre(s) | Drama |
Release | June 24, 2015 |
Overview | Shrewdly structured psychological British drama starring Tom Hughes and Ruta Gedmintas as a well-to-do young couple whose comfortable life is disrupted when a troubled teenage girl (Tasha Connor) becomes part of their ordered life. It is a tense and cleverly off-kilter drama, well performed and astutely thought-provoking. It makes great use of its Yorkshire locations, creating a tense and memorably intriguing atmosphere. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Jane Linfoot |
Casts | Ruta Gedmintas, Tom Hughes, Tasha Connor |
Duration | 1 Hour and 34 Minutes |
Rating | 5.2 |