A team of US Special Ops forces is dispatched to a remote mountain region of Afghanistan with orders to locate an influential Muslim cleric. While on the mission they find themselves lost in a Middle Eastern ‘Bermuda Triangle’ of ancient evil and faced with an enemy that none of them could have imagined.
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Movie Details: The Objective
Title | The Objective |
Genre(s) | Action, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller |
Release | April 28, 2008 |
Overview | A team of US Special Ops forces is dispatched to a remote mountain region of Afghanistan with orders to locate an influential Muslim cleric. While on the mission they find themselves lost in a Middle Eastern 'Bermuda Triangle' of ancient evil and faced with an enemy that none of them could have imagined. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Daniel Myrick |
Casts | Jonas Ball, Matthew R. Anderson, Jon Huertas, Michael C. Williams, Sam Hunter, Jeff Prewett, Vanessa Johansson, Jonas Ball, Matthew R. Anderson, Jon Huertas, Michael C. Williams, Sam Hunter, Jeff Prewett, Vanessa Johansson |
Duration | 1 Hour and 30 Minutes |
Rating | 5,5 |