A series of gruesome accidents plague a small American farming community in the summer of 1935, encircling two identical twin brothers and their family.
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Movie Details: The Other
Title | The Other |
Genre(s) | Drama, Horror, Mystery |
Release | May 24, 1972 |
Overview | A series of gruesome accidents plague a small American farming community in the summer of 1935, encircling two identical twin brothers and their family. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Robert Mulligan |
Casts | Uta Hagen, Diana Muldaur, Chris Udvarnoky, Martin Udvarnoky, Norma Connolly, Victor French, Loretta Leversee, Lou Frizzell, Portia Nelson, Jenny Sullivan, John Ritter, Jack Collins, Ed Bakey, Clarence Crow, Bob Melvin, Angelo Rossitto, Carolyn Stellar |
Duration | 1 Hour and 48 Minutes |
Rating | 6.462 |