A teenager, named Matteo, dreams of becoming a professional swimmer. When his coach prefers to him the son of the team’s sponsors, Matteo takes revenge studying at the university Bocconi and inventing a social network.
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Movie Details: The Startup: Accendi il tuo futuro
Title | The Startup: Accendi il tuo futuro |
Genre(s) | Comedy, Drama |
Release | April 6, 2017 |
Overview | A teenager, named Matteo, dreams of becoming a professional swimmer. When his coach prefers to him the son of the team's sponsors, Matteo takes revenge studying at the university Bocconi and inventing a social network. |
Language(s) | Italiano |
Director | Alessandro D'Alatri |
Casts | Andrea Arcangeli, Paola Calliari, Matilde Gioli, Luca Di Giovanni, Matteo Leoni, Matteo Vignati, Guglielmo Poggi, Lidia Vitale, Massimiliano Gallo, Thomas Peyretti, Federigo Ceci, Loris Loddi, Maria Eugenia D'Aquino |
Duration | N/A |
Rating | 5.831 |