When a down on his luck journalist finds himself with a less than ideal assignment in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, he acquires the help of a local, who he soon discovers possesses the story that could jump start his career.
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Movie Details: Up There
Title | Up There |
Genre(s) | Drama |
Release | April 29, 2019 |
Overview | When a down on his luck journalist finds himself with a less than ideal assignment in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, he acquires the help of a local, who he soon discovers possesses the story that could jump start his career. |
Language(s) | English |
Director | Michael Blaustein |
Casts | Zoe Kanters, Daniel Weingarten, Michael Blaustein, Kirk Fox, Claudia Doumit, David Stifel, Natalie Joy DiBenedetto |
Duration | 1 Hour and 34 Minutes |
Rating | 4.3 |