The story revolves around a massive inheritance from a rich man, whose nephew is plotting to seize the fortune from his daughter Fei Fei. He hires a petty thief, nicknamed “Tricky Star” to court Fei Fei in an attempt to steal all the money. But it turns out that Fei Fei is a fake who works for the rich man’s evil son.
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Movie Details: When Fortune Smiles
Title | When Fortune Smiles |
Genre(s) | Action, Comedy |
Release | September 27, 1990 |
Overview | The story revolves around a massive inheritance from a rich man, whose nephew is plotting to seize the fortune from his daughter Fei Fei. He hires a petty thief, nicknamed "Tricky Star" to court Fei Fei in an attempt to steal all the money. But it turns out that Fei Fei is a fake who works for the rich man's evil son. |
Language(s) | 广州话 / 廣州話, 普通话 |
Director | Anthony Chan Yau |
Casts | Stephen Chow, Sandra Ng Kwun-Yu, Anthony Chan Yau, Anthony Wong, Siu-Wai Mui, Shing Fui-On, Lam Kau, Sai-Kit Yung, Mai Kei, Billy Chow, Hui Ying-Sau, Billy Ching Sau-Yat, Kan Tat-Wah, Sai Gwa-Pau, Lui Tat, Stephen Chow, Sandra Ng Kwun-Yu, Anthony Chan Yau, Anthony Wong, Siu-Wai Mui, Shing Fui-On, Lam Kau, Sai-Kit Yung, Mai Kei, Billy Chow, Hui Ying-Sau, Billy Ching Sau-Yat, Kan Tat-Wah, Sai Gwa-Pau, Lui Tat |
Duration | 1 Hour and 35 Minutes |
Rating | 6,8 |