The story tells the story of Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen, who come to the Immortal Mountain to cultivate their skills. They gain friendship, experience love and ultimately betrayal, growing throughout their life journey.
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Movie Details: Wu Kong
Title | Wu Kong |
Genre(s) | Action, Adventure, Fantasy |
Release | July 13, 2017 |
Overview | The story tells the story of Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen, who come to the Immortal Mountain to cultivate their skills. They gain friendship, experience love and ultimately betrayal, growing throughout their life journey. |
Language(s) | 普通话 |
Director | Derek Kwok |
Casts | Eddie Peng, Shawn Yue, Ni Ni, Oho Ou, Zheng Shuang, Qiao Shan, Feihong Yu, Yang Di, Quentin Zhang, Lai Xiaosheng, Linda Zhao, Ba Yin, Zeng Yilian, Zeng Yilian, Eddie Peng, Shawn Yue, Ni Ni, Oho Ou, Zheng Shuang, Qiao Shan, Feihong Yu, Yang Di, Quentin Zhang, Lai Xiaosheng, Linda Zhao, Ba Yin, Zeng Yilian, Zeng Yilian |
Duration | 2 Hours and 10 Minutes |
Rating | 7,64 |